

Takealot SA versus Amazon USA tech price showdown: It’s around 50/50 so always best to check properly

Interesting results shown in the comparison in the linked article. In quite a few cases a single import, with duty and shipping to SA, is cheaper than Takealot in South Africa. I’m wondering how this will improve when Amazon opens its own warehouse in South Africa later in 2023, because then it won’t be individual shipping imports any more.

But the big takeaway is that you do need to check, and weigh it up also with whether you may ever need warranty support. There are also many items you just cannot find at all inside South Africa.

See https://mybroadband.co.za/news/gadgets/497469-takealot-versus-amazon-tech-price-showdown.html
#Blog, #amazon, #onlineshopping, #southafrica, #takealot, #technology


Amazon launches new resale programs following backlash over stock destruction | Engadget

After ITV News found that Amazon in the UK was destroying brand new returned stock rather than re-selling it, the company has announced changes in how it deals with returned and unsold products. In a statement, the Amazon says that it is launching two programs for businesses that use the retail giant’s infrastructure. These programs: FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) Grade and Resell, as well as FBA Liquidations, will enable third party sellers to list returned stock on their product pages.

#OnlineShopping #Amazon #PayYourTaxes #PayYourStaff



Amazon faces MPs’ scrutiny after destroying laptops, tablets and books | Amazon | The Guardian

Amazon is facing fresh political scrutiny after an undercover investigation showed thousands of unsold products, including laptops, TVs, headphones and books – in some cases still in their packaging – being destroyed by the company.

#technology #tech #OnlineShopping #Amazon



Hach, wir freuen uns: Frank Schätzing hat monomeer in seinem neuen Buch neben anderen als Einkaufsadresse für plastikfreie Produkte empfohlen! Wir fühlen uns geehrt. ⭐️

Frank Schätzing hat diesmal keinen Thriller geschrieben, sondern ein Sachbuch, in dem er einen guten Überblick über den Klimawandel, die Klimaforschung, Handlungsmöglichkeiten für viele und für Einzelne und sogar über Suffizienz und Wachstumskritik gibt. 🌍

Zugänglich geschrieben und gut geeignet für EinsteigerInnen ins Thema (und dennoch weit davon entfernt, simpel zu sein), als Freshup auch für Leute mit Vorkenntnissen und für all jene, die sich in ihrer Freizeit sowohl informieren als auch unterhalten sein möchten. 🌳 Bonus: Das Buch ist nicht eingeschweißt, yeah.

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