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You know another pet -peeve- hate of mine? Snobs.
In the olden days, I very very much remember the SCSI snobs. If you used IDE drives, you were… a muggle (if HP had existed, they’d have used that term). A mundane. A luser.
Only (fuckin’ expensive) SCSI drives you were someone to be taken seriously. If you used IDE, you didn’t know what you were doing (because everyone has money to burn, right?)
These days? Oh, so much shit. Currently… if you look for reviews of HW, namely mainboards, these days, assume they look at boards with (extreme) overclocking in mind. “Those VRMs are bad”? Assume they aren’t if you’re not overclocking. Which is of course implied and never explicitly stated.
I HATE it.
#petpeeves #pethates #cities #totl #hardwaresnobs #snobs #hardware #overclocking