

"Pandora Papers" : des milliers de milliards de dollars toujours à l’abri dans des paradis fiscaux

🗣"Les Pandora Papers, c’est comme les Panama Papers mais sous stéroïdes"

Pandora Papers: Secret tax havens of world leaders, celebrities revealed | World | Breaking news and perspectives from around the globe | DW | 03.10.2021

Pandora Papers - ICIJ

An investigation by more than 600 journalists from 150 news outlets has unearthed offshore dealings of 35 current and former world leaders and more than 300 other current and former public officials and politicians around the world.

The offshore system continues to thrive despite decades of legislation, investigations and international agreements aimed at combating money laundering and tax dodging.

South Dakota and more than a dozen U.S. states have become leaders in the business of selling financial secrecy — even as the U.S. blames smaller nations for enabling tax avoidance and dirty money flows.

The Pandora Papers unmask the hidden owners of offshore companies, secret bank accounts, private jets, yachts, mansions and artworks by Picasso, Banksy and other masters.

The biggest leak in ICIJ history contains 2.94 terrabytes of confidential information from 14 offshore service providers

Video - Pandora Papers: An unprecedented leak exposes the inner workings of a shadow economy




Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful | World news | The Guardian

Millions of documents reveal offshore deals and assets of more than 100 billionaires, 30 world leaders and 300 public officials
“This is money that is being lost to treasuries around the world and money that could be used to recover from Covid,” Ryle said. “We’re losing out because some people are gaining. It’s as simple as that. It’s a very simple transaction that’s going on here.”

Whatever happened to “Eat the rich”?

#finance #money #leaks #OffshoreData #PandoraPapers



A huge data leak reveals the dealings of hundreds of politicians and public officials with shell companies worldwide. The 11.9 million confidential documents include government officials as well as oligarchs, criminals and celebrities.

