Hackaday (unofficial) September 4, 2023 7:00pm The ‘Scope of This Kickstarter? Ten Years. #crowdfunding #wearablehacks #kickstarter #oscilloscopewatch #pdi #watch #xmega #xprotolab #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 The ‘Scope Of This Kickstarter? Ten Years. It may have taken ten years to come through on this particular Kickstarter, but a promise is a promise. In late August 2023, backers who had since likely forgotten all about the project started rec…
Hackaday (unofficial) March 3, 2023 10:00pm All The USB You Can Do With A CH552 #parts #ch552 #ch554 #nativeusb #pdi #updi #usb #usbhost #usbhostmode #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 All The USB You Can Do With A CH552 Recently, you might have noticed a flurry of CH552 projects on Hackaday.io – all of them with professionally taken photos of neatly assembled PCBs, typically with a USB connector or two. You …