Spatz auf Zweig / Sparrow on Twig
#vögel #spatzen #birds #sparrows #gmic #gimp #fotobearbeitung #sundaygimp #digital #photoediting #birds #sparrows #photo #foto #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #art #Foto #Bildbearbeitung #Bildmanipulation #manipulationdephotos #imageediting #retouchedimage #Sonntag #Sunday #dimanche #myphoto #mywork
If you only knew
My favourite flavour is
Nearer the day through
#photo #photomanipulation #photoedit #sundaygimp #art #graphics
Dimanche 30 juin 2024 - Mon orchidée a refleuri. Je pensais que cette fois, c'était mort...
#sundaygimp #gmic #sunday-photo-edit #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #bildmanipulation #dimanche-photo-edition #manipulation-de-photos #image-editing #retouche-d-image #myphotos #fotografie #mywork #montravail
Redwood Forest
G'MIC 3.4.0 neuer Filter: Underwoods
#gmic #gimp #fotobearbeitung #digital #photoediting #photo #foto #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #art
It's all gone weird again
#photo, #foto, #gimp #gmic #bildbearbeitung, #photomanipulation, #bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #myphotos, #art #experimental #mywork #23-06-2024
Dimanche 23 juin 2024 - Bleuet psychédélique
#sundaygimp #gmic #sunday-photo-edit #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #bildmanipulation #dimanche-photo-edition #manipulation-de-photos #image-editing #retouche-d-image #myphotos #fotografie #mywork #montravail
Wasser marsch
CC-BY-NC-SA - #Bildbearbeitung - #Bildmanipulation - #Foto - #Fotografie - #fotografieren - #Gimp - #MeinFoto - #MyPhoto - #MyWork - #Photo - #Photography - #Photomanipulation - #sundaygimp
Die vier jungen Schwäne / The Four Young Swans
#gimp #gmic #sundaygimp #photo #Foto #art #Bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #Bildmanipulation #manipulation-de-photos
#image-editing #retouche-d-image #Sonntag #Sunday #dimanche #myphoto #mywork
change depends on you
#photo, #foto, #gimp #gmic #bildbearbeitung, #photomanipulation, #bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #myphotos, #art #experimental #mywork #16-06-2024
....everything is possible
#photo, #foto, #gimp #sundaygimp #gmic #bildbearbeitung, #photomanipulation, #bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #myphotos, #art #experimental #mywork #16-06-2024
Dimanche 9 juin 2024 - Tout est affaire d'équilibre
#sundaygimp #gmic #sunday-photo-edit #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #bildmanipulation #dimanche-photo-edition #manipulation-de-photos #image-editing #retouche-d-image #myphotos #fotografie #mywork #montravail