

#MikeAdams #interviews #TimothyAlberino

#Comet impacts, #pre-Adamic #civilization, lost worlds and the Luciferian #war against #humanity
#Health Ranger Report - December 28th 2022

An #ancient, advanced civilization that existed before the Biblical account of #Adam was wiped out by a comet strike around 12,800 years ago. This Younger Dryas era strike impacted the ice sheet of present-day North America, causing the Great #Flood, a #global deluge of flooding and ocean level rise that buried land masses, islands and coastal cities under hundreds of feet of water.

The impact ejected unimaginable quantities of water vapor and particulate matter into the stratosphere, blocking the sun and causing a planetary die-off of plants, animals and humans, bringing an end to many species and the advanced human civilization that existed at the time.

All this and more is the focus of my 90-minute bombshell #interview with author and researcher Timothy Alberino, who is the subject of today's feature podcast.

This is a can't-miss discussion if you want to understand where humanity really came from ... and where things are going from here.
