

think you'll get many to sign it? :D

please send your own versions to any constabulary still in a grey area. #postcodelottery :

dear police
please sign this reassurance statement:

"I will refuse any cannabis search/confiscation order. I will inform those who attempt to give any such order that it would be unlawful and criminal. signed: _________"

#thebuckstops #prohibitionends #prohibitionendshere #prohibitionendsnow #prohibitionendshereandnow #lettherebeherb #cannabis #prohibition #prohibitioniscriminal #prohibitionislethal #prohibitionisimmoral #prohibitionisunethical #prohibitionbenefitsthecrooks #cannabisismansbestfriend #cannabiscansavetheworld #ifonlyyouwouldgetoutoftheway #stophelpingthecrooks

#dearpolice #publicservice

#cannabisismedicine #cannabissaveslives