

Justice, Vindication, and Punctuation

A Few Words About That Ten-Million-Dollar Serial Comma:

According to Maine state law, workers are not entitled to overtime pay for the following activities: “The canning, processing, preserving, freezing, drying, marketing, storing, packing for shipment or distribution of: (1) Agricultural produce; (2) Meat and fish products; and (3) Perishable foods.”

The issue is that, without a comma after “shipment,” the “packing for shipment or distribution” is a single activity. Truck drivers do not pack food, either for shipment or for distribution; they drive trucks and deliver it. Therefore, these exemptions do not apply to drivers, and Oakhurst Dairy owes them some ten million dollars.


I await Hizzoner's declaration on the sanctity of two spaces following a full stop with 'bated breath.

#SerialCommaMotherfuckers #Punctuation