

The Seeding (USA, 2023)

The head and arms of a man being pulled up along a canyon side by a thick rope.

While it starts quietly, this film had me sitting on the edge of my seat for the most part of it. We follow a photographer into the desert to get a good shot of a solar eclipse. He get's what he came for, and on his way back to the car he encounters a child that looks lost. He offers him some water and to help look for his parents. And this is where things start to go bad. Slowly.

This is definitely a slow burn. The film keeps you guessing what this is all about until the very end, skilfully distracting you to think it's heading in other directions than what it is. You can feel the intensity of the desert, and the isolation and despair of the main character as the events unfold, revealing the plot one piece at the time.

This is a well made, slow, intense, unpredictable, and to be honest quite disturbing film.

It was the first film I watches at this years Ramaskrik Horror Film Festival, and remained one of my favourites throughout the entire weekend.

Highly recommended!

#film #horror #ramaskrik #ramaskrik2023 #TheSeeding