

Re-thinking electronic mail

... There are good aspects the existing Internet email has that are still valuable enough that I continue to use it. I am, however, getting closer to the point that I’d like to make things radically better.

This essay collects my thoughts about email and what a replacement system might look like. I am not in a position to build the new system, but I can at least try to inspire more people to think about this and maybe the discussion will end up with something good. ...

-- Lars Wirzenius

I'm similarly less than gruntled with extant messaging options, privacy being another massive concern.


#email #redesign #standards #LarsWirzenius #privacy #spam #monopolies


Whelp, the NY Times site redesign's broken my custom CSS

Sort of expected.

Oh, and yeah, the unmentioned aspect of the redesign which the promotional gush didn't mention: paid content. Articles, placed with the news stream, which are paid for by advertisers. Supposedly distinguished via styling (which should also make them excludable with CSS), but ... kind of sad.

Anyhow, off to assess the damage. NY Times was one of my larger stylesheets at 534 lines.

#nytimes #paidcontent #advertorial #redesign