

Raoul Vaneigem: Back to life

I. Life is not an object
We have merely learned to die, now is the time to learn to live.
We are at the breaking point between two civilizations. The old world collapses, hesitating to disappear; the new one emerges, hesitating to impose itself.
The shock-wave that agitates the planet shakes our existence and reveals its root. From now on no ideology has the power to mask that.
The rock of ancient truths is shattered.
Giving up living to avoid dying. No past has ever obtained the assent of the crowds to such astonishing absurdity. Up till now, no era has allowed itself to be cretinized amicably.

One of the legendary members of the Internationale situationniste in the 1960’s, Raoul Vaneigem (now 88) is still writing and publishing. In a new text, Retour à la vie (Back to life), he recapitulates in his own rather exalted ...

back to life

#raoul_vaneigem #internationale_situationniste #autonomy #self-government