

The house that can withstand a cyclone: how traditional dwellings are making a comeback in Vanuatu


A saeklon haos is a one-room building, built as a place to sleep, and often forms part of a rural living compound that include a separate kitchen, smol haos (pit latrine), and bathing area. Increasingly, these traditional structures stand alongside buildings made with cement, corrugated metal sheet roofing, and other non-traditional materials.

#traditional #home #shelter #dwellings #saeklon #haos #saeklonhaos #Vanuatu


Kongsfjord wind shelter & bird hide // fugleskjul / utsiktsrom

Architecture is a tool to protect and promote birds, wildlife and natureBiotope is the worlds first and only architectural office with special expertise on birds and birdwatching (birding). We combine the field of architecture with over 25 years of experience in field ornithology. Our architectural solutions are built on both understanding and care for nature. Our hides and shelters carefully balance the need for visibility in order to attract and concentrate human activities, the practical requirements of the birders and sensitivity to the needs of the birds. We design bird hides, outdoor wind shelters, birdwatching towers, photo hides, information boards and exhibitions, nature trails, open-air amphitheaters and much more. Our designs are adapted to different types of habitats and purposes. Biotope is a 6 man office based in Varanger, Arctic Norway, but we have an international approach and audience. We currently have architecture projects in progress all over Norway, in Iceland, Russia, Denmark and on several nature reserves in UK.

#birds #shelter #architecture #biotope #ornithology #birdwatching #Varanger #Norway