nytimes September 16, 2021 2:01am How Were the Inspiration4 Crew Selected? #philanthropy #contestsandprizes #isaacmanjared1983 #shift4paymentsllc #stjudemedicalinc #privatespaceflight #arceneauxhayley #proctorsian #sembroskichristopher1979 #science #news How were the astronauts selected?
nytimes September 15, 2021 8:01am SpaceX Mission: How to Watch the Inspiration4 Launch #inspiration4 #privatespaceflight #spaceexplorationtechnologiescorp #rocketscienceandpropulsion #shift4paymentsllc #arceneauxhayley #isaacmanjared1983 #proctorsian #sembroskichristopher1979 #spaceandastronomy #science #news Highlights From SpaceX’s Launch of Inspiration4 Four amateur astronauts who have never been to space before are on their way to an adventure in space unlike any before.
nytimes September 14, 2021 11:00pm SpaceX's Latest Mission Will Launch Four People Into Orbit #privatespaceflight #spaceandastronomy #inspiration4 #spaceexplorationtechnologiescorp #isaacmanjared1983 #arceneauxhayley #proctorsian #sembroskichristopher1979 #stjudechildrensresearchhospital #shift4paymentsllc #news ‘Very Ordinary’ Astronauts Prepare for an Extraordinary Launch to Space The Inspiration4 mission shows private spaceflight’s promise, but also how far it has to go before just about anyone can travel to orbit.