

XXVe siècle av. JC, dans le sud de l’Angleterre, tous les paysans sont recrutés pendant l’hiver pour travailler sur le chantier d’embellissement du temple royal de Stonehenge.
Pourtant, extraire, tailler et transporter sur de longues distances des blocs de pierre qui pèsent jusqu’à 30 tonnes ne représente pas un labeur de tout repos.
Aimil tremble en voyant partir son père et son frère, sans oublier ses voisins et amis.
Les reverra-t-elle ?
Découvrez comment les peuples d’Europe bâtissent leurs monuments, alors qu’au même moment les Egyptiens construisent les pyramides de Gizeh, en cliquant sur ce lien : http://amzn.to/2pyRgX7
#Histoire #Stonehenge #Néolithique #Mégalithes #Préhistoire #MichelRouvère


« Je termine ce livre à l’instant et comme d’habitude je suis enchantée de ma lecture. Cette histoire est très émouvante, et moi qui suis très intéressée par cette période des mégalithes je m’y suis intégrée facilement.
Je te félicite et je te remercie de m’avoir encore fait rêver. »
N’attendez plus pour vous laisser emporter à votre tour.
Cliquez vite sur ce lien : http://amzn.to/2pyRgX7
#Histoire #Stonehenge #Néolithique #Mégalithes #Préhistoire #MichelRouvère


2500 av JC, dans un royaume du sud de l’Angleterre, le roi décide d’embellir le grand temple de Stonehenge pour remercier les dieux d’avoir sauvé son fils, mais le prince veut y ajouter son offrande personnelle sous forme d’une promesse solennelle.
Pourtant, il ne se doute pas qu’en énonçant ce vœu, il provoquera une série de drames qui bouleverseront à jamais sa propre vie et celles des gens qu’il aime.
Pour découvrir la vie des hommes et des femmes de la civilisation des mégalithes, qui sont bien plus proches de nous qu’on l’imagine, suivez ce lien : http://amzn.to/2pyRgX7
#Histoire #Stonehenge #Néolithique #Mégalithes #Préhistoire #MichelRouvère



#RalphEllis | #Dating the #Megaliths | From #Egypt to #Stonehenge | #Megalithomania Conference 2022

When was the ‘Megalithic era’? We are told that it was around 4,500 years ago, and yet many of the megaliths display weathering patterns that might suggest a much older age. One method of discovering a more accurate age is through precessional #astronomy - the study of how monuments that are aligned with solar events can be dated via the Earth’s axial precession. Surprisingly, this study began with Flinders Petrie, back in 1880, and continued with Norman Lockyer in 1900, Prof Atkinson in 1955, Prof Hawkins in 1965, and Prof Hoyle in 1977. However, each of these studies has its problems, and so Ralph Ellis revisits and examines the precessional dating of the megaliths.

Ralph Ellis has been researching biblical history for more than thirty years, to a degree and depth that very few other researchers manage to reach. His research is purely historical, and places all the characters and events within the biblical narrative back into the historical record. This has required some adjustment of the biblical chronology, but this is never done without justification. The result of these endeavours is ten books that explain almost every facet of biblical history, in purely historical terms. Remarkably, it would appear that the majority of the biblical record is a fairly reliable account of real historical events - the fundamental events that have shaped and formed Western civilisation. http://edfu-books.uk


On a journey from our place to or from London, we pass #Stonehenge on the #A303 and the traffic is almost always jammed there as the site is of historical and archaeological importance. It is afforded #UNESCO #WorldHeritage status. As the weather war fine, I decided for an impromptu visit as the journey is not one I undertake very often and who know when the weather conditions would be this good again. There were actually hundreds if not thousands of tourists there comprising people of all ages and numerous nationalities. Many were happy like us to walk the roughly 2 km journey from the visitors' centre but shuttle buses were also going up and down the stretch of road. It's a little unfortunate that you can only get within about 50 m of the #monument but it's still impressive.

This is a view looking approximately north west.

This is looking roughly south west with the #Sun centred above the stones and the monument in silhouette.
Stonehenge and the winter Sun

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #SalisburyPlain #History #Culture #Archaeology #Science #Astronomy #Stoneage


#RobinHeath | #Bluestone #Magic | #Stonehenge & the #Story of #WaunMawn | #Megalithomania #2021

Watch exclusive #interview with Robin Heath here: https://youtu.be/YLZSiM5fZt8. To understand a #megalithic landscape, one must focus on the liminal space between sky and landscape, where ‘the above’ meets ‘the below’, at locations where Neolithic folk chose to locate their major temples and other significant monuments. Unfortunately, the techniques required are not those preferred by present day archaeologists. In a richly illustrated presentation Robin Heath shares his latest research, which sheds new light on the function and purposes of the Waun Mawn site, in the #Preseli region of West #Wales, conferring a greater significance onto this monument than previously recognised.

Robin Heath is a seasoned researcher, author and presenter on prehistoric and ancient science, a subject that has become a lost legacy to the modern world but remains built into the design and construction of many megalithic monuments. Robin has written and published nine books, and co-authored a further two. An engineering graduate, his background has enabled Robin to discover astonishingly elegant qualities in many Neolithic monuments, and reveal an unexpected knowledge of astronomy, geometry and metrology. Robin’s goal is to see this subject incorporated in the history books of the future, a recovered legacy made plain for future generations, and recognised as the vital first chapter in any revised history of science. Robin lives in the Preseli National Park of coastal West Wales, with his wife Tricia. http://www.robinheath.info/

Just amazing research ,the ancients put us to shame .


The National Trust remains deaf to concerns about A303 road scheme

Neither our resolution nor any members’ resolution presented to the National Trust AGM last Saturday was successful.

Media release Friday 4 November 2022. Concerned National Trust (NT) members have tabled a resolution

[1] on the A303 #Stonehenge road scheme for the Trust’s AGM tomorrow (Saturday 5 November 2022). The resolution will be proposed by Dr Kate Fielden and seconded by John Adams, OBE. Both members are supporters of the Stonehenge Alliance

[2]. The resolution, on which members will vote, asks the Trust’s Trustees to reconsider their stance on the road scheme. The Trust has supported the scheme since it was announced in 2014. Since then, independent planning inspectors and the former Transport Secretary have said that the road scheme would permanently and irreparably damage the famous Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS). UNESCO has warned that the site could lose its world heritage status if the scheme goes ahead without fundamental change. A Judicial Review in 2019 ruled that Grant Shapps’ approval of the scheme was unlawful and that alternatives must be examined

[3]. The Trust’s Trustees, in responding to tomorrow’s resolution, say that removal of the A303 from the site has long been called for and that the route has been carefully chosen to avoid archaeology. However, only around half of the road would be removed into a tunnel, leaving massive, noisy, and unsightly dual carriageway cuttings to each side, entirely removing sensitive archaeological remains in the way

[4]. Walkers and cyclists on a new right of way referred to by the Trust would see directly into the huge western road cutting.
Dr Kate Fielden said:

“In view of #warnings from #UNESCO and other expert bodies, and the Trust’s founding purpose to protect natural and historic places for future generations, we believe the Trust should reconsider its position on the scheme. It should be leading the calls for less damaging alternatives to road building at Stonehenge, not providing cover for National Highways’ highly destructive scheme. At a time of climate emergency we need to find solutions that don’t increase traffic and emissions, while also safeguarding the WHS for future generations.”



It's the Weekend! Rock on!

And this is for those into the art of or on stone. Or history. A close look in some early dawn sun amid the rain and mist.
Sort of magical really. Stonehenge. That stone is super-old, not to mention heavy. Ponder how it got here and set up like this.

Looking at this, as I learned about all the unique endemic life on this stone, pondered its making and precision.... and the purpose?
That remains the big mystery, debate, and argument. Many imagine and witness its precision as a sundial. I saw sacrifice rocks too.

What there is debate about now - among academics, archaeologists, historians - are who the builders were and what were they doing? I know there are solstice worshippers but I wonder if the original purpose was in fact an ode to the Sun, not to aliens. gods

On that note.... for many, it's the weekend. For those who can, enjoy!

Stone Free

Especially for guitar lovers, Hendrix fans, & anyone who doesn't know who this guy Jimi Hendrix was and why he (and Clapton and SRV et al) were held as gods. Not made of stone though. Castles made of sand...

#MyPhoto #StoneHenge #Fenfotos #music #musica #musique #JimiHendrix #guitar


Happy Autumn Solstice - 22SEP22

Many are hoping still for some pleasant weather but the solstice will do solstice. Some worship it, some dread it. Seasons change.

Now this here... It is about to be perfectly aligned, exactly.
Just like this symmetrical date. Happy Solstice Autumn 22.

This from a few weeks earlier, in the rain. Look straight up the middle; that is where the sun would be rising if you could see it!

Well, autumn lovers are in luck, as your solstice is arriving on Platform B.

Meanwhile, if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way....

#seasons #solstice #MyPhoto #autumn #Stonehenge #fenfotos #Hendrix #rocklegends #rocks #music #musica #musique


A good day for reflecting on things,

Under Eternity

This is cued up to the refrain, "Under eternity", which was the topic of a conversation or two today, between some photos of medieval churches, some Grateful Dead, and not least of all, the funeral of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth.

It's a long, trippy Dead song.... scroll back to hear the whole thing. But this refrain... have not heard in years and years. Eerie...>

#GratefulDead #Music #musica #musique #eternity #rocklegends #myphoto #Stonehenge #fenfotos


And back to the buckets and lists....

This one, ✓


Not much sun to see at sunrise today, but the reason why so many say "it's a sundial" is because at sunrise & sunset there's an amazing view with various of the arches and "pointer" stones all lined up. Cosmic. Beautiful. And of course, at solstice time, stunning.

So among the buckets of long-stached bucket list items, this was a success. But for here, lots of rain gear needed as well, because "I've seen sun and I've seen rain"... and on his day I've seen...

#### Buckets of Rain
So I'm wet, but smiling. (Ah-choo!)

#myphoto #Stonehenge #monuments #photography #Fenfotos #Dylan #Buckets #BucketsOfRain #sundial #music