

The Song of the Stormwing

I was at Indiemeet today (unfortuntely I was only able to make it for one session) and had a chance to play a game of one of the new Fall of Magic variants from the "Songs from the Axe and Fiddle" zine expansion, namely the Song of the Storm Wing. This variant sees the Magus replaced by the amnesiac captain of the Stormwing which is itself missing on the Sightless Sea. The journey takes place just using the island cards from the main game.

As a result it's a much shorter play than the full Fall of Magic but has much of the same qualities.

The result of our game found the captain to be a ghost or thrall magical bound to bring new victims to the Drowning Library where they were sacrificed to hold back the waters threatening to engulf the library and its mysterious custodians.

#storygames #freeform #rpg