

#ceylon #News
uk's criminal immigrant policy exposed, we are all at risk, illegals, khan, health & council corruption?
13.31 illegals sharia law
14.23 illegals with knife
15.57 cops grab bike guy
16.43 khan by trump
18.03 khan shitting it
19.50 khan trump
21.19 question everything government
23.17 us congress israel controlled
26.55 iodine essential
28.18 the iodine crisis
29.17 #tumeric vs #parasites
30.26 #oat #milk
31.25 sugar give it up
32.33 sleep
33.04 restore sight with radium
34.09 oz hospitals ivermectin
35.20 pandemic lies
39.12 slavery never ended
39.19 smoke councils
41.04 soverign project
42.52 council corruption being exposed
45.30 should you stop paying your debts
49.22 protect your biometric data

50.57 z dog rescue