


#Bases 139 #MarkRayworth Part 1 - Introduction

Welsh Experiencer and TI -Empowered Individual Mark Rayworth, is a former Mason, Knights Templar.

He has given lectures to the Swansea UFO network, and here his insights and knowledge of Masonic Ritual and their interaction with what we would call Reptilian Aliens, gives us a far more insightful and wider perspective of the so called Alien Agenda. As with Tim Rifat he states the #Astral is a tricksters domain, and we must get past that. A deep and wide ranging chat.

He highlights a #UFO experience, which wasn't. He in fact was directly manifesting and controlling.What most would call a daylight disk or UFO, was an "orb"

A far more informed step into complex areas of #perception and reality management.

Part 1


UFO всё сказали

В рамках интервью Ultimate Classic Rock у вокалиста UFO Phil'a Mogg'a спросили есть ли у группы еще "что-то, что можно сделать":

«Нет, нет. Я думаю, что все закончилось. Мы провели последний тур по Великобритании в 2019 году, как раз перед COVID. Так что это был своего рода конец, и время было подходящим».

#UFO #HardRock #Hard_Rock #Hard 'n' Heavy #_Hard 'n' Heavy

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl-yeA332VE

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


On March 3, 2024, at 8:55 PM local time, in the town of Davenport, located in the state of Washington, USA, an enigmatic event was reported by two witnesses. This testimony was recorded and broadcasted on the website of the NUFORC (National #UFO Reporting Center), a center for reporting sightings of unidentified flying objects. #ovni https://activite-paranormale.net/news/read/18895/ufo-sighting-report-in-davenport-wa-usa


The discovery of a strange structure at the bottom of the ocean, reported by ufologist Scott C. Waring, has captured public attention and sparked passionate debates within ufological circles. Dated May 1, 2022, this discovery took place approximately 100 miles off the coast of Spain, in a region precisely located at 43.18699223 degrees latitude north and -10.94155348 degrees longitude west. #alien #ufo #ovni https://activite-paranormale.net/news/read/18889/discovery-of-a-extraterrestrial-structure-at-the-bottom-of-the-ocean