(I wrote this as a comment to the post about the hate mail Hank Aaron recieved by @V.T. Eric Layton )
I hold a simple belief, it's personal, but I'll share it here.
One cannot hate and love both at once. Such strong emotions can't be blended, they are unique from each other and can only be apprehended singlely. Therefore, time given to hatred is forever lost to love.
Life is short. How do we wish our emotional balance sheet to stack up - giving to people we care for, or to people who hurt and enrage us? Life is short.
On January 20th as waves of relief swept over me, I took time to consider the last four years, and my personal reactions to cruel and stupid circumstances this nation was served over and over - daily. How I projected hurt, frustration, anger and ultimately hate almost daily while in the company of people I care about and even love. I was reminded of the time and opportunities to love I had forsaken as a result. I resolved to unlearn hate once again. Despicable persons should never come between us and the ones we love, or even our own self love. Life is short. The choices are ours.