

Imagine you could rebuild cities, avoiding making the mistakes that plague today's cities. How would you do it? How did people envision utopia? I thought of Brasilia first.

Recently Indonesia has set aside some 33bn USD and then some and might be on the brink of a next attempt.


This is food for thought.

#future #futurists #indonesia #utopia


#They Already Told Us the #Plan
Quote #Utopia is an American science fiction drama television series adapted by Gillian Flynn from the 2013 British original series of the same name. It was released on September 25, 2020, on the Prime Video streaming service
On October 17, 2019, the creator of the show, Gillian Flynn, announced that the series' filming was completed

The next day, Friday October 18 2019 Event 201 was held in New York.

This goes well beyond Predictive Programming, the whole scenario is laid out for us, as always, in plain sight.

Quote "You created a flu that sparked a demand for a vaccine that doesn't work"

"It gives a certain percentage of the population a fatal illness, and you make sure it's genetic, so that you pass it down, so if you have children before you die.."

" You created a panic, and now everyone is begging for the vaccine, demanding it with all the entitlement of a first world country"

" We didn't have to kill to achieve our goal....(which is what?) ... We intend to stop human reproduction for three generations"

5min clip


"in My first post after several years on the covid post in February 8TH 2020 I referenced that people needed to watch the original utopia series as it represented the up-and-coming agenda. Things have panned out as expected. The recent amazon remake is actually a real disappointment, far better to watch the 2013/2014 original.
The vaccine is designed to control the spread/effects of a virus. They see us as that virus."

We are the virus and the vaccine is the (final) solution?


#quote "There's also a 2003 movie called Absolon which features a frightening viral global pandemic. Then, there's a 'cure', which everyone becomes dependent on and is mandated to take regularly, with scary social credit punishments if one fails to do so.

The film is hard to find, but I finally tracked it down and I have it. It's awful, trust me: endless unimaginative shoot-em-up chases, a dreadful script, and so on. So I don't really apologize for the spoiler.

The big twist is that the virus died out long ago, which has been covered up. But the 'disease' is actually being perpetuated by the 'cure' at the hands of #evil Big #Pharma. And those who have a real remedy for the entire thing are being silenced and killed. Go figure."

Chloroquine saves the day.

This is extracted from 2004, according to a commentator in the comments from below the video.


Skills für Utopia

Die Frühlingswerkstatt beginnt morgen!

Skills for Utopia – ein politisches Bildungskollektiv mit dem Ziel, Aktivist*innen und Politgruppen weiterzubilden und sie so zu befähigen, wirkungsvoll Politik zu machen.

Dafür vermitteln wir euch qualifizierte und bewegungsnahe Referent*innen für kostenlose Workshops (viele davon sind auch als Webinare möglich).

#aktivismus #webinar #utopia #bildung #kollektiv



Pour les besoins d'un cinéma associatif coopératif, je souhaiterais créer une base de données pour indexer les documents physiques (affiches, ouvrages sur le cinéma) et virtuels (conférences, manifestations) afin d'en garder trace et de permettre aux usagers d'emprunter certains documents et d'en avoir les liens lorsque ces derniers sont disponibles en ligne.

Je ne parviens pas à installer correctement sur ma machine :

  • la plate-forme de développement Web EasyPHP
  • le serveur Apache
  • le système de gestion MySQL

et je ne comprends pas où et pourquoi il y a conflit.
J'ai mis en PJ les téléchargements effectués sur mon poste.

Est-ce que l'un-e d'entre vous a déjà installé PMB sur sa machine et pourrait m'aiguiller ?

Peut-être avez-vous d'autres propositions de logiciels libres intuitifs me permettant de faire le travail de saisie puis de permettre aux responsables du cinéma de saisir au moins des notices avec titre et auteur ?

L'idée est de valoriser le petit fonds documentaire (livres) et de mettre en place un système de prêt-don puis d'indexer d'autres documents pour relancer le cinéma.

Je vous remercie par avance de votre lecture.

Belles fêtes à tout le monde ._.

_Mes centres d'intérêt sont #art, #cinema, #essai, #scop et #utopia. _


This is copy of the first of six articles which explore the differences between the left and right in politics. The author is Joel Lazarus and the original article can be found on his website at http://agentofhistory.com/2015/11/02/knowing-our-left-from-our-right-social-justice-human-freedom-and-utopian-realism/ .

Knowing our left from our right: social justice, human freedom, and utopian realism

What does it mean to be ‘left’ or ‘right wing’ today? Does it even matter? There seems to be a lot of basic confusion out there coupled with a lot of instinctive contempt and fear for what is understood as left-wing politics. The media is central to the production of this contempt and fear. They can’t seem to use the word ‘left’ without preceding it with either the powder-puff adjective of approval – ‘centre’ – or the adjectives of danger and condemnation – ‘hard’ or ‘extreme’. We are repeatedly told, for example, that the Labour Party is now ‘infiltrated’ by ‘hard left’ elements.1 In contrast, only racist parties like the British National Party or movements like the English Defence League are similarly labelled. So, we begin our answer to these two important questions with the observation that the default mainstream media position is that the right is, well, right. This is a position often held and expressed by journalists indirectly, even subconsciously, and it is often justified by a belief in the greater realism of centrist/right-wing politicians and parties and their ideas and policies.

What I’m going to argue is that left and right totally matter. I’m going to say that the political division is clear and expresses fundamental ideological oppositions, and that’s because, in turn, these ideologies are rooted in very material social conflicts. So, it’s not primarily about ideas, but about real material social power. I’m going to suggest that this divide is not today really over what the mainstream media tell us it’s about – the size and limits of the state’s economic and social role vis-a-vis the market. Instead, I‘ll argue that it’s primarily about social justice, human freedom, and, yes, realism. I’ll post about the state-market red herring tomorrow and the social justice and freedom stuff later this week. But, first, here are ten things (in no particular order) I believe in that apparently make me ‘extreme’, ‘far’ or ‘hard’ left, but I think make me a regular intelligent, sensible, and caring human being…

1) There is no place for weapons that can obliterate millions of people. They make no military, political, or economic sense. Get rid of nuclear weapons;

2) Homeless people should be allowed to live in peopleless homes. People not property are the priority. End homeless now!;

3) There is no room for profit-making in the provision of the basics we all need to live a safe, healthy, and dignified life;

4) Rich corporations and individuals should pay tax, they should pay more in absolute and relative terms than poor people, they should pay even more for income derived from rents and speculation, and this tax should be used to improve the inequalities of opportunity and material needs caused by market relations and hereditary privilege;

5) Working people should co-own and run the businesses they work in. No one should be obliged to work for someone else. Workers co-operatives, in their myriad forms, are generally great;

6) Everyone should receive an unconditional basic income – an amount of money considerably smaller than a minimum living wage, but enough to enjoy a tolerable, basic life. This would allow them to truly freely choose the work they wish to do;

7) The best way to end terrorism is to end imperialist war. Western militaries should leave the Middle East and anywhere else immediately;

8) Our financial system should serve us., but we currently serve it. Most of what goes on on financial markets is gambling that benefits the rich and, when it all blows us, destroys the poor. The banking system should simply allocate capital to socially beneficial sectors and enterprises. We should nationalise and democratise our banking system, our central bank, and, eventually, the money supply.

9) An economic system that condemns people and societies to lifelong debt servitude is a system of effective slavery. We should cancel all odious debts;

10) An economic system based on infinite growth will lead to inevitable catastrophe on a planet with finite resources. We need to transcend capitalism and establish democratic socialism quickly.

There you go! There were more I could and probably should have picked, but that’s yer ten! They’d improve the lives of every single person on the planet a great deal! Right. Tomorrow I’ll post about why the left-right divide isn’t really about states-versus-markets. (I’ve now jumped into the future and here’s the link for the second post in this series!)



#Freedom #Utopia #Politics