

Ă„Ă€nestin Haavistoa. En siksi, ettĂ€ ÀÀnestĂ€isin hĂ€ntĂ€ tilanteessa, jossa olisi parempia ehdokkaita. Haaviston tapa tehdĂ€ pesĂ€eroa esim vasemmistoon, tietyt ulkopoliittiset kannanotot ja esimerkiksi kansalaistottelemattomuuden tuomitseminen (kiitti tuesta Pekka!) tekivĂ€t numeron kirjoittamiseksi paperille hankalaa.

Mutta vielÀ vÀhemmÀn haluan ÀÀnestÀÀ Stubbia. Ja kahden henkilön vaaleissa ÀÀnen kÀyttÀmÀttÀ jÀttÀminen tai tyhjÀn ÀÀnestÀminen on tÀssÀ tilanteessa kÀytÀnnössÀ Stubbin ÀÀnestÀmistÀ.

#presidentinvaalit2024 #haavisto #stubb #vaalit


The Finns go to polls for a new parliament starting today. As far as I've understood the situation as approximately the following. The three main leaders in the polls are pretty much tied:

  • Cunts I mean Conservatives
  • Fascists I mean "True Finns" ie the far right party (yes, it's that bad, they're tied to the other two biggest)
  • Social Democrats

The problem is, the social democrats have pretty much said they can't go into government with the cunts or especially the far right. So if they manage to win the election, they wont be able to form a functional government as they wont have the support of the center party (fourth in line), who are in the current government with the social democrats and they both promised to never do it again. Thus even if the social democrats win, it's going to likely be the cunts forming the government, and they have no problem taking the far right into it with them, being able to form a majority by the help of the center and christians.

The next four years will be sad for #Finland :( Do correct me if I'm wrong.

#vaalit #vaalit2023