

CommonDreams: "Pentagon & NSA Officials say They Want Snowden Extrajudicially Assassinated"

‘In a world where I would not be restricted from killing an American, I personally would go and kill him myself,’ a current NSA analyst told BuzzFeed. ‘A lot of people share this sentiment.’

‘I would love to put a bullet in his head,’ one Pentagon official, a former special forces officer, said bluntly…

‘His name is cursed every day over here,’ a defense contractor told BuzzFeed, speaking from an overseas Intelligence collections base. ‘Most everyone I talk to says he needs to be tried and hung, forget the trial and just hang him.’

I'll note: the horse has already left the barn. Killing Snowden won't un-release his disclosures. Might discourage the next guy (or gal). Or might just convince them to operate along the lines of the Citizens Commission to Investigate the FBI. That said, none-Facebook pokes-on-the-street is straight out of the KGB / FSB playbook. Just sayin', guys.

A somewhat grudging h/t to @Will Hill (heads and ledes, my man, heads and ledes).

#surveillancestate #pentagon #nsa #PRISM #assassination
