

i wasnt just a blind man feeling part of the elephant, i wasnt just the elephant, i wasnt just my blind man and the elephant. i was all blind men and the elephant.

5 dried grams? try at least 25. ... what am i even saying!? try aim for over 100. 5!? are you kidding? that's your high standard!? for goodness sake people. stop pussy footing around in the shallows. stop just getting some air on your fins and JUMP. the fish that never jumps out of water, never realises it's in water. take it powdered, in a drink you can chug rapid, thick with it, like a thick soup of 1 main ingredient. maybe aim for 300 grams even? see if you can get a couple pints of it in you before it hits. 5???? stop praising 5 dried grams like it's the answer. dont get caught in limbo. dont get caught in purgatory. dose high enough for heaven's sake.

#cantgettherefromhere #higher #higherthanhigh #whydontyoucapitalisei #humility #beyondawe #beyondmereegodeath #includingme #iknowdeath