Emmanuel Florac November 6, 2024 10:09pm MAX SIEDENTOPF — Passport Photos https://maxsiedentopf.com/passport-photos/ Tags: #dandelíon #whynot #humour via dandelion* client (Source) MAX SIEDENTOPF Max Siedentopf (1991) is a Namibian-German artist, photographer, director and publisher. Max grew up in Windhoek, Namibia and continued to work in Berlin, Los Angeles and Amsterdam. He is currently based in London.
Brian Fitzgerald September 9, 2023 9:49pm to be sung with the gusto of a drunken sailor #Ducks_in_a_hall_of_funhouse_mirrors #justbecause #whynot #AIsubconscious #dreams #AIdreams
clarice oncemore September 4, 2023 10:03pm i think Dutto has won #Fuckwit-Friday well ahead of time #auspol #ozpol #50referendums #whynot #Minister_Potatohead #boofhead #Australia
Tony January 18, 2023 1:31pm #whynot's scibbles #myphoto Thoughts, like reeds, fixed In icy water, Thought winter was over.
Rasmus Fuhse September 26, 2022 10:19am "Hi! We would like to report a bug in your API, when we try to fetch the course dates ..." "Counterquestion: Why do you use our API to get information?" #countercounterquestion #whynot #arbyte
Hackaday (unofficial) June 19, 2022 3:00pm Can A Drone Push A Bike? #dronehacks #news #transportationhacks #3dprintedgears #dronemotor #electricbike #whynot #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Can A Drone Push A Bike? It sounds like a rhetorical question that a Midwestern engineer might ask, something on the order of ‘can you fix this bad PCB spin?’ [Tom Stanton] sets out to answer the title question…