

An ironic bumper sticker seen on the wall of a Trumper establishment
#RecklessPolitics #Trump #Trumper #GoodbyeTrump #Irony #YouCan'tFixStupid #Sticker

I saw a bumper sticker similar to the image below posted on a wall of a clearly Trumper owned establishment in the Foothills area of Yuma, AZ. How do I know they were Trumpers? Aside from propane and storage space, they were selling, "Let's Go, Brandon" stickers and other Trumper crap. Sadly, both places relatively near me that sell propane are Trumper establishments. Though the other isn't quite as obvious as this one. It's obvious who I am referencing to anyone who lives in the area. Nevertheless, I won't publicly post the names of the establishments.

Oddly enough, the people at the place with numerous bumper stickers on the wall tend to be nicer than the ones at the other place. Maybe it's because they're younger? Who knows?

Trumper sticker