Montag October 14, 2021 10:23pm Nach längerer Pause mal wieder ein neuer #Zlax für die #Trollwiese ... #Deppenalarm #zlaxism #troll #blocklist
Montag June 3, 2021 8:26am Ein neuer #Zlax für die #Trollwiese #Deppenalarm #zlaxism #troll
Thanatos die immer skurrilere Minderheit January 13, 2021 8:32pm #Zlax -- Or being so insufferable to a lot of fellow human beings that they write scripts in order to get you out of their virtual lives. Astonishing! #ivanzlax #ivanzlax-time #zlaxism #spam #harassment byezlax Famous spam removal script for Hubzilla which came in handy since mad Ivan Zlax started terrorizing the Fediverse.