

Favorite German-language Films

I have seen very few of these. What others should I try to see?

Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run)

directed by Tom Tykwer

This is so clever and inventive, it's hard not to enjoy.

Das Boot (The Boat)

directed by Wolfgang Petersen

The greatest submarine movie ever made. I'm convinced that this is what diesel boats were like in WWII, and I'm glad I never set foot in one.

Favorite Japanese-language Films

I've seen many more of these.

大病人 (Daibyonin or The Last Dance)

directed by 伊丹 十三 (Juzo Itami)

This was the first film I saw in Japan where I got the gist of every conversation. It gave me more confidence in my Japanese. Then I saw お葬式 (The Funeral) by the same director and was completely lost. I think that was due to the Kansai dialect. The film is about the last year in the life of an old actor dying of cancer. It's about telling patients the truth about their illnesses, which was not always done in Japan at the time.

天空の城ラピュタ (Laputa, Castle in the Sky)

directed by 宮崎 駿 (Hayao Miyazaki)

In the film, Jonathan Swift's Laputa is a real place. A castle floating in the air. Some international intrigue results in some young people actually going to it. Miyazaki has made several very good films, but this is still my favorite of all of them.

What about the rest of you? Any good films in a language other than your first that made a big impression?

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2021年04月26日 17時49分 女性自身


4月23日に公開された佐藤健(32)の主演映画『るろうに剣心 最終章 The Final』。さまざまな苦難を乗り越え、ついに公開となった矢先に緊急事態宣言の発令が。そのため、同情する声が相次いでいる。


そして’19年4月、『最終章 The Final』の公開が決定した。後に同作は20年7月公開とアナウンスされたものの、新型コロナウイルスの影響を受けて1年延期することに。主人公・緋村剣心を演じる佐藤は「来年の公開日をお互いに健康で迎え、必ずまたお会いしましょう」とコメントしていた。


延期や出演者の逮捕といったハプニングに見舞われたものの、ついに『最終章 The Final』は今月23日に公開されることに。ところがその直後となる25日から東京、大阪、兵庫、京都の4都府県を対象にした緊急事態宣言が。そしてTOHOシネマズやイオンシネマなど公開を予定していた映画館が、軒並み休業となってしまった。



