With the demise of Mr. Jingles, my plans and suggestions

I'd posted this to the rapidly-fading PLOOS, though some of the information applies here as well.

I'll be checking the Google+ Notifications page periodically, at least twice a day if possible. That's not as slick as the Notifications pane was, so expect slower responses to anything.

I'm trying to keep on top of the Google+ Mass Migration community, as well as the (much less active) Plexodus: The Beginning is Near community.

I've had a fair bit of personal stuff going on for the past few weeks which is making online time both less available and productive. My apologies.

The Plexodus Subreddit is an excellent place to get ongoing and post-sunset information. That would be on Google+, data migration (focusing much more on data import), contacts, where people are, and yes, yet more discussions about the past and future of social, online, and user-generated media.


There's far too much updating to do at the #PlexodusWiki. So I'll try to tend to that garden as well:


(It means "before it was cool", in Latin, if you're wondering.)

I'm still working on my future personal blog home. That'll be at GitLab, as a continuation of the Lair of the Id. Plan is to post original longer-form content there, then syndicate it elsewhere -- Mastodon, Diaspora, and the Lair subreddit (https://old.reddit.com/r/dredmorbius).

The New Lair blog will be: https://gitlab.com/dredmorbius/lair-of-the-id.git

For those of you who were Mirandans (or want to find out what the hell that was), there's still the /r/MKaTH and /r/MKaTS subreddits. I'm open to posting a bit more content there. MKaTH -- Miranda's Knitting and Tea House, is public, MKaTS -- Miranda's Knitting and Tea Society, is a related private forum:


For more on what that's about:


There's also a more general Plusser's subreddit, /r/PLOOS:


Otherwise, I'm posting at Mastodon, Diaspora, Tildes, Reddit, Hacker News, and a few other haunts, generally as "dredmorbius", as promised.


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