This is happening in every western country. Why

Is a right wing extremist someone who sees the trashing of their culture or country for profit. Are they creating these bogeymen to further divide people.

From the doco can't get you out of my head Adam Curtis put forward the idea that the political class gave away power to the financial system so have little actual power themselves. Is this what is behind the demonisation of sections of the people.

The politicians have no power to change our fate but they can manipulate the people to give the impression they are in control. By creating an extreme group they can then go to war within each country to keep attention away from their failing vision. They will use this internal division to enrich themselves and their supporters.

I read an essay about the local and global. Local is democracy and global is economy or finance. They put forward the idea that you can have a thriving democracy but a lower level of economic output or you can have shiny consumption but at the cost of democracy.

To replace the lost democracy the power over the trivial is given to the people to keep the pretence of power. I think this is what is happening.

Power is held by capital and the continued extraction of wealth and increasing cost of fuel is decreasing the living standards of people. Migration is used to drive down wages and all these things are combining to create disenchanted blocks. The government's are creating the extreme right to drive a wedge between the people to prevent change and maintain compound accumulation of capital.

As the ability to extract wealth decreases the government's will become more desperate and their actions more extreme.

This might become another inquisition with the devil's being in power

#propaganda #manipulation #politics #power #freedom #money