



Tonight, we venture into the hidden depths of the #media's most clandestine practices - #sonic #manipulation and #mindcontrol. We're joined by #Veritas veterans, John and Bonnie Mitchell, who have dedicated their lives to uncovering these veiled technologies.

The journey begins with John's unsettling discovery of secret sonic weapons embedded in a popular movie. This revelation opens the door to a world where #infrasound and #ultrasound are not mere scientific phenomena, but tools for covert influence and harm. We'll delve into the intricacies of a mysterious wave file, an apparent breadcrumb in the larger scheme of media manipulation.

Bonnie, with her wealth of experience, sheds light on the alarming health effects associated with these hidden frequencies. Drawing parallels to the notorious Havana Syndrome, she reveals how deep the roots of these technologies run, entwined within the fabric of our daily media consumption.


After retiring from distinguished careers in the United States Merchant Marines, John Mitchell and his devoted partner, Bonnie Jean Mitchell, embarked on a mission that would reshape their lives and illuminate hidden truths. Together, they founded Awakenvideo.org, a platform dedicated to unveiling the secrets and disinformation perpetuated by the clandestine forces within the government. Their journey led them to delve into the intricate world of mind control techniques imposed upon the unsuspecting masses. In 2012, John and Bonnie unveiled the unsettling reality of Digital Mnemonic Mind Control through their research.

Bonnie Jean Mitchell, a luminary in her own right, stands as the visionary founder of Alienabductionhelp.com. She is a multifaceted researcher, accomplished author, and a lifelong contactee with extraterrestrial entities. For over two decades, Bonnie has provided guidance and solace to individuals navigating the enigmatic realms of paranormal and metaphysical experiences. Her literary contributions include the insightful books "Journey with the Star People" and "The Shift: A lifetime of Contact Leading to Higher Consciousness."

In 2014, John and Bonnie made the daring choice to leave the United States, setting their course for Uruguay in South America. Today, their focus remains steadfastly fixed on the spiritual battle being waged as humanity seeks a transformative paradigm shift in consciousness. You are invited to join their thought-provoking Awakenvideo Livestream, hosted on Rumble, every Friday night at 6pm EST, where they continue to shed light on vital issues shaping our world.


Ich frage mich wo die strafbare #Wählertäuschung anfängt? #Union lügt über Energieprobleme durch Abschaltung von Atomkraftwerken.

Siehe: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/winter-ohne-kernkraft-gut-ueberstanden-und-strom-ist-billiger,U6id6Al

§ 108a Wählertäuschung
(1) Wer durch Täuschung bewirkt, daß jemand bei der Stimmabgabe über den Inhalt seiner Erklärung irrt oder gegen seinen Willen nicht oder ungültig wählt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
(2) Der Versuch ist strafbar.

Der Versuch ist angeblich schon strafbar.

#Politik #Demokratie #wahl #Partei #propaganda #manipulation #Gesellschaft


Edward #Snowden was one of the last idealists who believed that the #truth would change something. Today, a few years later, we know that the average person finds it far too complex to change their browser. We are aware that everything on #TikTok, #Instagram or #YouTube is monitored and analyzed, but it is so colorful and practical.

#society #tracking #surveillance #bigbrother #economy #intelligence #problem #humanRights #freedom #manipulation #propaganda #media #fail


LES CONS CA OSE TOUT ! (avec #PhilippePascot) [Pas Content avec #Tabibian ! #S03E13] - #JSPC


00:00:00 - Dans cet épisode
00:01:44 - Présentation de l'invité
00:03:36 - En quoi ce #quinquennat a-t-il marqué une accélération de la #soumission aux #lobbies
00:05:11 - La #FIFA ne paiera pas d' #impôts en #France, malgré l'ouverture de bureaux à Paris
00:06:17 - Le #gouvernement réduit la distance de tir de #LBD de 10 mètres à 3 mètres, les #gendarmes s’inquiètent
00:06:53 - #Fusion de la #CarteVitale et de la #CarteIdentité
00:08:42 - Les #RestosDuCœur vont "refuser du monde pour la première fois" de leur histoire
00:10:58 - La #réélection de #Macron
00:12:15 - Les euro dateurs
00:15:41 - La suppression des tickets de caisse
00:17:55 - Si t'as rien, c'est de ta faute
00:19:04 - La #manipulation #médiatique
00:22:11 - L'explosion des #millionnaires
L' #école du "futur"
Le #scandale des #voitures Crit'air 3
Les #JO : les nouveaux jeux du cirque
Plus de #voiture, plus de #maison, plus de #retraite, plus de sécu !
#StanislasGuérini détruit la fonction publique
Solution : taxer les bénéfice à la source
On est nous-même cons
Qu'est ce que Macron a voté de bien ?
#GiletsJaunes : déception
Il sera de plus en plus difficile de manifester
La #police : son traitement par le pouvoir
Nouvelle #loi conjuguant la police et la #gendarmerie
Les contrats "zéro heure"
Les #assurances à l'américaine, bientôt en France ?
Vers un "toilettage" constitutionnel ?
Les lois les plus débiles !
Bêtise ou #corruption ?
Recasages en marche !
#Moretti, toujours le pire ?
Conclusion & Promo !

#politique #PCAT



Generative #AI could be #listening to your #phone #calls and #hijacking them with fake biometric #audio for #fraud or #manipulation purposes, according to new research published by Security Intelligence. In the wake of a Hong Kong fraud case that saw an employee transfer US$25 million in funds to five bank accounts after a virtual meeting with what turned out to be audio-video #deepfakes of senior management, the biometrics and digital identity world is on high alert, and the threats are growing more sophisticated by the day.

A blog post by Chenta Lee, chief architect of threat intelligence at IBM Security, breaks down how researchers from IBM X-Force successfully intercepted and covertly hijacked a live conversation by using LLM to understand the conversation and manipulate it for malicious purposes - without the speakers knowing it was happening.

"Alarmingly," writes Lee, "it was fairly easy to construct this highly intrusive capability, creating a significant concern about its use by an attacker driven by monetary incentives and limited to no lawful boundary."