Why is it that Lua gets so much attention is games development?
Is there something special about Lua that makes it good for writing games? I have no opinion on it since I've never done any real game development, and the only thing close to it I've ever done was back during the old days of Halo CE where I made all kinds of shitty hacks for custom weapons or modified weapons and vehicles. But nowa days I pretty much only run closed source games on consoles and only run open source games on my PC. I pay a lot of attention to how open source games are developed and it seems like Lua just gets all kinds of love from programmers. I know that a few games use Lua as the interface language for their API, and Minetest is the big one as they use Lua for their modding and plugin API.
looooove logo
For 2D games the LÖVE2D framework has been around forever and I recently heard about (on freepo.st) a new VR game development library that's also in Lua called LÖVR and it looks really cool. I am always happy to hear about open source advancements in the VR space but once again it's Lua making the headlines.
So game devs really love Lua! But why? Is there something special about how Lua is made that makes it good for visual media? I'm happy for Lua and the Lua programmers, but why Lua over something else? What does Lua do to earn its special place in the hearts of game devs?

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