What is with #DeathSantis (the Delta Variant's most successful super-spreader) ?
He's put one more screw in the coffin of the school-age generation of Florida. All of Florida really, as his variant mutates on & on.

Ron DeSantis's mask-bashing new surgeon general wastes no time ripping up COVID school restrictions

IMO - Either he's so much the #TrumpVirus "Stable Genius" who knows more than science, and so blind and dedicated to keep the stats out of public eyes (while still #1 in deaths, so much winning) - OR, he is demonstrably delusional and a callous wannabe king, chip off the old #TrumpVirus bloc, who believes his many fans (the ones left alive) will cheer him on no matter what, dsimissing all the "fake news" and health statistics, all as his "leadership" is killing off his constituents in the most efficient way he can. A killer.

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠

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