7-year-old child Dies During Israeli Army Activity in West Bank, Palestinians Report

The boy's uncle says that he died of a heart attack when Israeli soldiers came to his West Bank home over alleged stone-throwing by his brother

Imagine being 7 years old, and so scared of occupational army that your heart stops.

This is a new cruel example of Israeli Apartheid crimes in occupied territories.

Don't expect his name to be known, his face become a symbol of western "activists" with "moral-" to make statement on his behalf.

He was born on the wrong side of the Apartheid wall. For that he was deemed forgettable and insignificant.

What is one more child when 1000 other has been killed by direct attack of the soldiers of the only democracy in the region.

After all, Israel didn't kill him. Their hands are clean and so is the counciense, he does of fear and fear is what Israel is happy to spread across the region even if the price is the life of an innocent child having a heart attack because of it.

After all, Israel has the right to defend itself. And billions of dollars from US and lucrative contracts by EU and even more by EU tourists make sure they have enough money to keep on doing it until the last check ld of Palestine has either given up, lost their legs and eyes or buried under a pile of sorts in the land Israel deemed as their god given gift.

#SayHisName #Rian_Suleiman #Israel #Palestine #Occupation #Apartheid #Inhumanity #Politics #EU #Biden

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