47 years ago, 20 November 1977: Egyptian president Anwar #Sadat visits Jerusalem and gives a speech at the Israeli Knesset, as part of his historic visit: The first Arab leader to visit #Israel. I was little, but I remember the #peace process.

I remember after one of his speeches, right wing MK Geulah Cohen criticised Sadat, saying everyone was dazzled, but she listened to his words and doubted he was actually after peace. My mother answered the television, saying that Sadat's body language showed he was genuine in his intentions. (My mother was a dance teacher and art therapist, and knew something about body language.)

In 1979 Sadat even visited Beer Sheva (insert biblical references here). We went out to one of the main roads along with many others to greet him. We just saw some fancy cars with tinted windows drive past. I remember being disappointed I didn't get to see him.

Peace with #Egypt was achieved, although Sadat was assassinated for it by Islamist extremists. And despite difficulties, the peace treaty held, and it remains one of the biggest boosts to Israel's security. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

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