Rik Mayall’s #2013 #film “One by #One”: the chilling scene that talks about #reducing #world #population – part 2.
By Marica Micallef

Here is the continuation of the screenplay of the scene:

“In the event that I reincarnate, I like to come back as a deadly virus. So, it’s a contribute to solving overpopulation. Prince Philip said that. Bioengineered pathogens are being created to eliminate ethnic groups such as Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, homosexuals.”

“Homosexuals? Surely that would keep the population down!”

“Yes, but it’s not nature’s way. Love is not a factor when you’re dealing with how the few procreate.”

“Natural selection where the only natural element is the powers that be.”

“Population control already happens in China. You have to have a license before you can have a second child.”

“Come on, how many times have you thought about how unfair it is that you have to work to have a good life whereas others breed, and breed and breed get given benefits and homes. How often have you wondered like many others, what real value they bring to the world population reduction programs, eliminate a mind-blowing 95% of the population.”

“Eugenics is the pseudoscience of culling the excess population.”

“Fake science.”

“It will be done in a barbaric fashion using draconian methods and this global holocaust will probably come out from under the flat of the U.N.”

“I can almost imagine us being frog-marched away from our homes in a martial kind of way. No one bats an eyelid.”

“Almost 95% of the population.”

“13 out of every 14 people killed, destroyed, and murdered.”

“In order to stabilise the world population, they need, or want, to dispose of six and a half billion people.”
not waking up but being killed

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