Biden Administration: Biden Taps Adviser on Economic Regulation

Biden will name Gary Gensler as an adviser on issues involving Wall Street and regulation of markets, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. It’s not clear exactly what this means in terms of Gensler’s role, namely whether he will be advising Biden on which policies to propose as president, working during the transition to help Biden choose his presidential economic team or being positioned to take a key role on that team himself.

This news is interesting for two reasons. It suggests Biden is moving forward in trying to start planning his administration even though he has not yet been declared the winner of the election by most outlets. Also, Gensler is allied with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and favors a tougher regulation of Wall Street, so this choice is getting plaudits from more liberal Democrats who have worried Biden might pick figures more resistant to regulations of Wall Street firms.

Via FiveThirtyEight.

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