

Time’s Person of the Year is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, a ticket that ‘represents something historic’

Nearly every president elected since the 1930s has been named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, often just weeks after they won a race for the White House.

On Thursday evening, the publication announced that President-elect Joe Biden continues the trend — with a twist. He is the first to receive the title alongside his running-mate, Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris.

“The Biden-Harris ticket represents something historic,” the magazine’s editor in chief, Edward Felsenthal, said in a video announcing the pick. “Person of the Year is not just about the year that was but about where we’re headed.”

The recognition marks another “first” for Harris, who will become the first woman, first Black person and first Asian American to serve in the nation’s second-highest office.

Citing the many challenges ahead of them, the pair was chosen over a list of finalists that included President Trump, racial justice protesters, front-line health-care workers and Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease specialist. ...


A plausible pick though an exceedingly safe and unsuprising one. I'd have preferred disinformation / propagandists.

Rudy's dye has demanded a recount.

Previously. Previously.

#POTY #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2020


Biden to carry Georgia after second recount: state election official

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Joe Biden is headed toward victory in Georgia in the 2020 U.S. presidential election after the state’s second recount, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said on Wednesday, rejecting false claims of fraud in the race.

“It looks like Vice President Biden will be carrying Georgia, and he is our president-elect,” Raffensperger, a Republican, said at a news conference after noting that no substantial changes have been seen in a second recount demanded by Republican President Donald Trump’s campaign. ...

An unexpeccted highlight of the endless recounts and challenges is watching Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win, win and win again.


#election2020 #georgia #BidenHarris2020 #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris


Q: Did mishandling of the #TrumpVirus swing the election by outright killing a critical margin of voters?

A: No.

Comparing COVID-19 deaths and election margins in the four critical states AZ, GA, and NV, plus Wisconsin because reasons, we see margins well above deaths in all but one case:

State Electoral Margin Covid-19 deaths
AZ 29,861 6,109
GA 4,430 8,608
NV 22,657 1,845
PA 28,883 9,059
WI 20,539 2,256

Of the four critical states, any one of which is sufficient to provide a Biden victory, and adding in Wisconsin just because, only Georgia’s Covid-19 deaths exceed the popular vote margin (bolded).


Other effects, e.g., disaffecting voters through incompetence, fear, etc, may have changed the outcome. But the needless death of 238,000 Americans as of election day did not do so of itself. Deaths have been doubling about every three months, and multiple doubling periods would be required to exceed vote margins sufficient to cchange overall results. With faster spread and rates of increase that time might be less.

Data from Worldometers (COVID-19) and ABC News (election returns).

#covid19 #election2020 #BidenHarris2020


Biden Administration: Biden Taps Adviser on Economic Regulation

Biden will name Gary Gensler as an adviser on issues involving Wall Street and regulation of markets, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. It’s not clear exactly what this means in terms of Gensler’s role, namely whether he will be advising Biden on which policies to propose as president, working during the transition to help Biden choose his presidential economic team or being positioned to take a key role on that team himself.

This news is interesting for two reasons. It suggests Biden is moving forward in trying to start planning his administration even though he has not yet been declared the winner of the election by most outlets. Also, Gensler is allied with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and favors a tougher regulation of Wall Street, so this choice is getting plaudits from more liberal Democrats who have worried Biden might pick figures more resistant to regulations of Wall Street firms.

Via FiveThirtyEight.


#BidenHarris2020 #PresidentBiden #BidenAdministration


Pennsylvania Has Flipped!

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the 46th president-elect of the United States, Kamala Devi Harris the vice-president elect, pending Electoral College ballots and House certification.

The Trumpist era is at a close.

Never again.

Decision Desk HQ projects that @JoeBiden has won Pennsylvania and its 20 electoral college votes for a total of 273.

Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States of America.

Race called at 11-06 08:50 AM EST

All Results: https://results.decisiondeskhq.com/2020/general/pennsylvania


#Election2020 #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpDumped


With any luck and a strong legal team to fight interference, the United States will have a new president-elect shortly

There's the question of what happens to the trash once it's been removed. Some fear that "if he loses the presidency, he doesn't lose his voice or influence."

That's certainly a risk.

More likely to me though is that he'll prove to have been a useful idiot and fall from sight.

I'm not banking on this. But it's pretty obvious he's far less an inspiring or savvy leader than a useful and pliable tool. His usefulness spent, the true puppetmasters will discard him as they do anything else past its useful life.

The bad news is that they, and those susceptible to their sway, will remain.

An open investigation of political crimes, interference, corruption, foreign manipulation (or worse), and more, must follow. As must a restrengthening of institutions (the press, media old and new, courts, education, rehabilitation, public health, politics and their parties), and of civic mindedness and civic values --- liberty, equality, justice, fraternity.

#politics #uspol #Vote #BidenHarris2020


Forty-Five: A Republic, if you can keep it (2016)

I don't like commenting on current politics, I don't think I'm good at it, things move far too quickly for my preference of considered commentary, the topic itself (and the inevitable discussions) tends to annoy me, and there's far too much superior competition.

Still, with many others I'm absorbing in a state of shock the news of Donald John Trump, 45th president-elect of the United States of America. And am wondering, how did we get here? ...


A piece from four years ago. I had my doubts when I hit "publish", though it seems to have weathered well. And be worth revisiting.

Here's to a 46 in 2021.

#vote #election2020 #BidenHarris2020 #uspol #politics #dreddit


Amid USPS delays, election experts and campaigns weigh in: Don’t mail your ballot

... “If you haven’t requested a mail ballot yet, it’s too late,” said David Becker, executive director at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation & Research. “I don’t care about the legal deadline; it’s just too late in terms of getting it processed, getting it mailed to you and you being able to fill it out and return it. You’re just putting too much pressure on yourself. At this point, if you haven’t requested a mail ballot yet, plan to vote in person and vote early, if possible."

Voters who requested but have yet to receive a mail ballot should vote in person, Becker said. They may be required to fill out a provisional ballot, but it will count as long as they do not also submit a mailed ballot. Voters who have received their mail ballot but have not turned it in yet should do so in person or at a ballot drop box. ...


#election2020 #vote #BidenHarris2020


Joe Biden leads President Trump 57%-41% in new national CNN poll

President Donald Trump continues to trail Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden nationally, according to a new CNN/SSRS poll released Tuesday.

Fifty-seven percent of likely voters support Biden while 41% support Trump, the survey found. ...


#BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #Election2020


Joe Biden Gains Big With Swing Voters After Debate, Trump's COVID Diagnosis, New Polling Shows

... Biden also appears to have the advantage in the key battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the polling averages compiled by Real Clear Politics. Trump trails the Democratic nominee by 5 or more percentage points in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In Florida and Arizona, the president is down by more than 3 percentage points. Although the margin is narrow in North Carolina, Biden leads by an average amount of 1.2 percentage points. ...


#BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #GetYourBootyToThePoll


Joe Biden ramps up efforts in Texas with $6 million ad buy

... Biden’s advertising blitz comes days after Beto O’Rourke, the former El Paso congressman who came within 2.6 points of defeating U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2018, made the case for increased spending in Texas in an op-ed for the Washington Post with Tory Gavito, president and cofounder of Way to Win, a national coalition of Democratic donors, and former executive director of the Texas Future Project.

The two urged the campaign to invest big, late money in Texas, which they said could “put an end to the suspense about whether President Trump will concede defeat Nov. 3.” ...


#BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #Election2020


Joe Biden calls for unity and racial justice at Gettysburg speech

The Democratic presidential nominee says there could be both support for racial justice and law enforcement in his Gettysburg address.


After all the years we have stood as a beacon of light to the world, it cannot be that here and now, in 2020, we will allow the government of the people … to perish on this earth … we have in our hands the ultimate power— the power to vote


#BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #GetYourBootyToThePoll


Get Over It

Dear Liberals & Independents

In 2020, there will be a candidate running against Donald Trump for President. It is very likely this candidate:

1) Isn't your first choice.
2) Isn't 100% ideologically pure.
3) Has made mistakes in their life.
4) Might not really excite you all that much.
5) Has ideas you are uncomfortable with.

Please start the process of getting over that shit now instead of waiting until 2020.

Politics is the art of the possible

Compromise, even if bitter, is necessary.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

Progress is incremental, and not continuous.

"Divide and conquer" is the oldest strategy in the book. Because it fucking works. Don't be a divider.

And whilst I really wish message this weren't necessary, it apparently is.


#uspol #politics #BidenHarris2020


Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as his running mate

Joe Biden has named Kamala Harris as his running mate, making the California senator the first Black and South Asian American woman to run on a major political party's presidential ticket.

"I've decided that Kamala Harris is the best person to help me take this fight to Donald Trump and Mike Pence and then to lead this nation starting in January 2021," the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee wrote in an email Tuesday....


#USPol #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2020