quite enthusiastic #documentary on #Arte #black-panthers #black_panthers

„capitalism and racism“ ... looks like they were a bit more advanced than our nowadays....(don't want to list all these actual identity movements.... they are endless and have not reached any practical goal at all these last years - leave alone endless discussions and bubbles fighting each other... „blabla“ to cite someone else ;)
completely out of range of what we are doing here in #Germany - no perspective at all - doing the job of the social system that is being dismantled in the last 30-40 years by all parties (haha... parties!) ... only private initiatives not leading to anything but easing the increasing misery...
„was“ a great movement... many ideas ...combining #racism with capitalism ... RIP
they are now history and even in the Moma
https://www.artsy.net/artist/emory-douglas #emory_douglas
