

So Ashli Babbitt was murdered, and that is horrible. I hope the family gets justice.
What I also want to know is why there is no outrage for Roseanne Boylan, who was also murdered, by a combination of gas cannisters creating a stampeding mob in a tunnel, and a Capitol Policewoman beating her with a stick while she was unconscious on the ground. The gas cannisters were shot off, along with rubber bullets shot into the crowd after they were herded into a tunnel. Not one person has been arrested for this.
The woman who beat Boylan with a stick was later filmed at an event, being congratulated by her fellow policemen. Where is the justice? By the way, she is not white.
#nojustice #Racism


America Has Black Nationalism, Not Balkanization

#USA #politics #racism

Some excellent points. And this is a helluva good idea:

One could imagine a Republican administration rewriting the census to have the following questions.

  • Are you a descendant of American slaves?

  • Are you a Native American affiliated with a tribe?

  • What is your ethnic background? (check all that apply)

Question 3 would put Germans, Chinese, Palestinians, Hondurans, etc. all in the same category of “not black and not Native,” that is, default American. Or one could simply abolish Question 3 entirely, and leave the other two as concessions to political reality.



Growing Up #Aboriginal in #Australia - The Wheeler Centre ( #2018)
a book i’m pleased is now read in schools and universities (there are quite a few youtubio vids by students in regards to the book, if one wants to take a lookit)

What is it like to be Aboriginal - Tui Raven (Writer, Curator, Presenter, Cultural Advisor) at TedX UWA

and What Aboriginal knowledge can teach us about happiness - Sheree Cairney (Neuroscientist) at TEDxStKilda
#education #racism #bullying #strength #happiness #well-being


Jews Must Be Feared Rather than Loved

We need to stop trying to make antisemites like us.

When #Churchill carpet-bombed Hamburg, Essen, Cologne, and Dresden, he was not trying to win a popularity contest. When Harry #Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he was not looking to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

Those who protect and enable #Hamas#genocide, like the utterly antisemitic and immoral United Nations and #Qatar, must be resisted and their reputations destroyed. American abominations like Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and American Taliban like Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) must have their hatred, bigotry, and antisemitism attacked and exposed in the media nonstop.

They will never like us. Let’s make sure they fear us.


#extremism #fascism #racism #xenophobia #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Bill to make forced and coerced #sterilization a criminal offence before Senate committee

Sen. #YvonneBoyer, the bill's sponsor, said she heard from hundreds of people who have been a #victim of coerced and forced sterilization. She told the committee that most recently she received a call in December from an #Indigenous mother who was sterilized without consent.

Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/forced-sterilization-criminal-code-1.7130097

#politics #canada #fail #justice #racism #health #law #humanrights #women #news