Using cloud seeding to boost rainfall

Studies show that cloud seeding can increase the amount of rain by between five and 70 per cent, depending on the quality of the clouds, he said.

The American Meteorological Society said in 2010 that despite some uncertainty over its effectiveness, 'large potential benefits can warrant relatively small investments to conduct operational cloud seeding'.

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How cloud-seeding works

  • Microscopic particles of silver iodide are shot into existing clouds using land based generators or aircraft.

  • Silver iodide is an ice-forming agent, which causes supercooled water droplets to freeze in the clouds.

  • The 'ice embryos' interact with the surrounding water droplets, and eventually grow to snowflakes.

  • These fall to the ground as snow or raindrops, depending on the surface temperatures.

  • Cloud seeding can also, in some cases, cause the cloud to grow larger and last longer than it would have without the modification.