desperate times we are living in
#quote from #pa

Nord Stream 1 & 2 - Is sabotage behind it?

On Oct. 23, 2022, around 3:00 AM on You tube I happened upon a major video covering the mysterious and suspicious deaths of Top Executives of Russia’s Gas Prom. Briefly, three of these men were found with their wives and children as well
as themselves Shot to Death. These were separate incidents. One billionaire was in his hospital room with balcony. He had fallen off of the balcony mysteriously. Another man had fallen off of a cliff, and more mysterious events.

I happened upon this set of stories first and then came upon the story of the sabotage of the Gas Pipelines, after which the following day I read the posts about BIDEN’s statement that the USA could or would take out the Russian Gas Pipelines.

I could not remember the Youtube video post titles and so, I made up something I presumed might lead to those posts. eg Youtube/Mysterious Deaths of Russian Billionaires and Gas Prom Executives, and to my surprise a number of video titles came up, more than I thought possible. Therefore, please bring up and present the information under suggested and tell Avalonians about them. I am having difficulties with my computer.

This information about the murder of Gas Prom Executives and Russian Billionaires, points the finger at USA, Great Britain and WEF (World Bankers) as the culprits involved in attempting to bring about WW3 to help out GLOBAL GENOCIDE.

FURTHER, I had a thought that tied in with the move to have all Electrical Vehicles. That is, that if and when an event causing all electricity in USA to vanish, the powers that be will try to blame Russia, but it will really be the same group of murdering genocidal devils now ill using the American Military to bring about GLOBAL #GENOCIDE.

What else can you call it when laws are being passed to give LETHAL #JABBS TO NEW BORN BABIES. We neither have a Constitution to protect us nor Representatives who Represent us, but they represent Bill Gates, Fauci and the #WEF #Nazi #Bankers who have all our #money and now want to #kill us all off. #WHERE IS THE #MILITARY. DON’T THESE #IDIOTS (GENERALS INCLUDED) REALIZE THAT GETTING RID OF #GLOBAL #MURDERERS IS ALSO PROTECTING THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES???

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