#writing #painting #art #acrylic on 40x50cm #copyright #abstract

Ep – 31

The Gem turned to stone, they rewarded the classified, another whom shared the upturned milk and honey. Monday displaced, categorising a cultural discord, harmonising reward to key notes, split atoms, the magazine placed the music in accord to the incandescent brother, their compunction shone a facet of retraction. Grace were spartan nomads, demoralising two for the social creed of inflection, spoilt with interacting benevolent connectivity, as success famed the carriage, those words interacted a void, meaningful to the beneficial Monday. Excluding patronage, the cover attracted some interest, flowers harvested to the excluding land, pillars had no contention without a resolution.

He swept those boards, rewarding appearance with ambient cartridge, the sojourn captive to concert Mondays’ words, attendance remittent for disclosure, the edition had occupied semblance, a warfare concluded with patriotism, if an apple compered, she would have spoilt pairing pears. The needled cushion was patterned to the reciprocal first studio of Samuels edition, belated patterns of a singular retention, lifted by the freewheeled exclusion, screenshot with screen writers compacity. They booklet original findings, threads for the lasting month. Twelve used-by dates, parcels parted the outgoing preliminary thoughts, upkeep bespoke the category, one in four preference, the one in three Monday’s, the stone’s lustre, had returned good fortune, staved by a sound cloud of industriously pregnant sheet music. Dormant the reciprocal computer, learnt exchanging goodwill, with goodwill, should domain in reproduction of posterity with proprietary goods exchanged.

The cloud returned those copies, forthwith. Latter to have insolvency, to a receivership of unfettered goods and copyrighted patterns, the milk churned butter to stone, sold in prefab additions, listed studio six as atomized masons of colliery gemstone. Free speech foreclosing on redirecting the articulate cabin, a baluster for informing the information correctly. Samuels export were then receiving the expired trade, with misinformation.

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