I'm so proud of my younger daughter. She spent a lot of time with me documenting how to cook the foods she likes and managed to cook the pork dish almost perfectly.

It's one of the greatest joy of parenthood to see how kids embrace the food culture and adapt it to their own taste. She loved (and missed) my cooking and trying to explain over video or by text didn't work, but she recorded, photographed and documented the ingredients and all the steps and cooked dinner for the family last night.

Her sour cream is not like those here in France so it wasn't as thick and creamy as the ones I make, but she got the hang of it, cut the pork in small, thin strips, added enough salt and pepper and managed to convince my wife to sacrifice a glass of her wine for the food😂😂

She is going to try 3 Iranian dishes that she documented and complement it with watching some videos and reading the instructions from other sources.

I'm sure she will be able to have a pretty successful student life because she won't need to be dependent on premade food or cheap pasta dishes when she goes to university in Sweden. Plus it is a great way of saving money and eat well when money is tight.

#Cooking #Food #Parenting #ProudDad