Hi @sylviaj@joindiaspora.com

"... having an endless war ..." is the principle of scorched earth / burnt soil (German: Verbrannte Erde)

"... to wash money ..." is maybe not complete truth, the normally parse their "chess moves" (Euphemism) in large Mainframe

in the so called civilized world, they don't drone people, but diagnosing #Schizophrenia instead of #Autism is a typical move. Since TV tells us all "you don't want to be a friend of a schizophrenic mass murder (see eg. Criminal Minds) you are being isolated suddenly and only people with high IQ will believe you"

Also be careful with #diaspora, they don't seem to hunt down diaspora directly, like with #Tor #Project nodes they try to weaken the user that runs a tor relay.

IMG: The talk about "WahrnehmungsSchwelle" (perception threshold) from the #CCC is #German but the best talk about this sort of things i found so far, but though the conclusion is wrong, one needs to fear this sort of things, but only if you are somehow relevant or a great #Hacker

#Linux #Windows #Apple #OSX #War #StopWar #FFF #CORONA #OSINT #PsyINT #SIGINT #Afghanistan



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