

Is it True that People Just No Longer Care?

When #Microsoft turned to the Dark Side, I switched to #Linux. When my ISP started giving money to extremists, I switched. When #Google went from "don't be evil" to "let's spy on everyone," dumped all their products, from my #Android phone to their search engine. When #Mozilla and #Firefox went off the rails, I switched to privacy-respecting alternatives. When #Facebook went all kindsa wrong, I came here to #diaspora. Heck, even #Linux has up and gone crazy political, right down to the kernel itself. So again, I switched.

I'm told that I'm "too ideological" about these choices. And probably paranoid or something. Maybe so, but...

I can't possibly be the only one. Friends on the opposite side of me politically, religiously, morally, and otherwise are quick to #boycott, #censure, #block, and otherwise silence or restrict companies and individuals who don't share their #values. Yet if I boycott, block, or find an alternative (web-browser, ISP, operating system, whatever), I'm being "too ideological" and "paranoid."

Y'all wanna go ahead and just give away your data and stuff like it doesn't matter? Go ahead and click on the image above. If I'm too ideological, then y'all are either apothetic or willfully ignorant.


diaspora-fr veut se doter d'un serveur plus puissant

Ce pod compte 61737 utilisateurs, dont 1714 actifs (source Pod Uptime). Si vous pouvez aider à cette évolution et à son fonctionnement en contribuant un peu, selon vos moyens, ce serait une belle façon de dire merci pour tout ce que le réseau décentralisé, confidentiel, et libre de diaspora* nous permet et nous apporte.

Joyeux Noël à vous aussi !... 😉

#diaspora #diaspora-fr #pods #serveurs #web


Bonsoir à toutes et tous,

Vous l'avez probablement ressenti si vous avez de nombreux contacts, #diaspora-fr devient de plus en plus lent. Cela s'explique facilement : le pod a maintenant 12 ans (wow!) et accumule donc des millions de messages et commentaires depuis tout ce temps.
La solution est elle aussi facile : il est temps de déplacer diaspora-fr vers un serveur + puissant !

Je vais m'en occuper dans les semaines qui arrivent, il y aura donc une interruption de services de plusieurs heures, que je ferai probablement une nuit pour ne pas trop déranger. Je vous tiendrai au courant en avance lorsque j'aurai une date, nous vous inquiétez pas 😉

Au passage, n'hésitez pas si vous voulez participer au frais de fonctionnement, il y a un sous menu "Faire un don" dans le menu de gauche sur la page principale. Vous pouvez donner directement avec Paypal, ou bien avec le service libre Liberapay, ou encore en bitcoin. Merci d'ailleurs à celles et ceux qui l'ont déjà fait !

Si vous aimez soutenir mais préférez les dons déductibles d'impôts, alors allez donner des sous à Framasoft, vous récupérerez 66% !

Bonne soirée !

#diaspora #podmin


After over 6 years of running this pod it is time to say goodbye to the #Diaspora* community. I noticed I haven't been active on diaspora for a long time. However the most important reason to shut down the pod is that I will shut down my server. So not only the diaspora service, but all other services will seize to exist.
It was a pleasure to be part of this community. I will not join the dark side but will just stop hosting my own instance.

Be good all. I will shut down the server from Januari 1st 2025.
Best reagards, robb podmin of pod.interlin.nl


À quoi ressemblerait votre réseau social idéal ?

(05 avril 2023)

• doit d’abord être petit
• que les internautes s'investissent directement
• des administrateurs joignables
• un fil avec les messages apparaissant au fur et à mesure de leur publication
• publicité interdite
• un tas de petits réseaux interopérables, compatibles les uns avec les autres
• que les utilisateurs puissent paramétrer le fonctionnement du réseau selon leurs besoins
• organisation du flux d'actualité
• fédération des communautés avec leurs propres règles et modérateurs

Eh, mais... ...Ça ressemble beaucoup à diaspora* !... ^^

#INA #internet #web #réseaux-sociaux #diaspora


#diaspora #glasswings
In 2019 I had joined GogglePlus to store documents in their category feature. I also made use of their free European video/ telephone calls I could make, and others could call me as well. Google Plus ended in April 2019. I found Diaspora immediately as a replacement. All the pods I joined eventually crashed. Then I noticed how many wonderful people were signed up with glasswings, and that it was very stable and reliable. My present pod has worked out so far, even so, I made glasswings my backup pod. I've posted there numerous times. Muse and Andrew, the Administrators of glasswings, are fabulous! And so is their creation, glasswings. I found this little story that I like very much.

Glasswings: A Butterfly’s Story.
By: Elisa Kleven (Author)

  • Claire, a glasswing butterfly whose transparent wings reflect her lush home, finds herself lost in the city after being separated from her family. She doesn’t know how they will ever see her, but she finds new city friends, a pigeon, an ant, and a ladybug, who search for the flowers Claire needs to live. They come upon a tiny urban garden, and as Claire drinks from the flowers’ nectar, she pollinates more flowers. Soon the garden—and Claire's clear wings—fill with color, allowing her family to recognize her at last. Together they create an oasis for all to enjoy. Facts about glasswing butterflies and pollination complete this beautiful and educational picture book.


Depuis une petite semaine, j'ai un compte sur #friendica, sur le serveur "My-place.social". Si j'y publie quelque chose, ça apparaît sur #Diaspora*, non pas sur cette page mais sur "Enjomineur D3 enjod3@my-place.social".
J'ai donc actuellement deux "comptes" actifs sur D*. Je ne comprend pas encore tout à fait le fonctionnement exact. Je tâtonne toujours. Par exemple, toutes les publications que je repartage sur friendica n'apparaissent pas sur mon 2e compte, en fait, celles qui viennent de friendica ou de #Mastodon.
Ce 2e compte D* issu de Diaspora* devient mon compte principal, car je vais davantage passer par Friendica. N'hésitez pas (si vous le souhaitez) à à partager avec l' #Enjomineur de "my-place.social". Je ne sais pas si c'est possible, mais si ça l'est, ça me permettrait de vous suivre sur Friendica.
Et vive le/la #fédiverse !


Found 32 new servers and 31 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,842 servers checked. 15,674,422 Total Users with 1,114,919 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

misaki-chan.world a #misskey server from Private
mky.clwl8.top a #misskey server from Private
mastodon.ping.de a #mastodon server from Germany
bunny.mookiesplace.com a #snac server from Sweden
sharkey.fifthdread.com a #sharkey server from United States
bkuevent.com a #wordpress server from United States
richoz.id a #wordpress server from Indonesia
video.sadrarin.com a #peertube server from Spain
bermus.dk a #writefreely server from The Netherlands
www.audiowho.com a #wordpress server from France
mastodon.feccc.site a #mastodon server from Hong Kong
social.saintdoggie.org a #sharkey server from Finland
snac.jasonsanta.xyz a #snac server from The Netherlands
gts.sharitt.com a #gotosocial server from United States
patchwork.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
cltverse.me a #mastodon server from United States
articles.supp-up.social a #writefreely server from United States
eyeclick.pics a #pixelfed server from United States
mastodon.nlr.wtf a #mastodon server from United States
tube.theplattform.net a #peertube server from The Netherlands
vm.io a #mastodon server from Private
shark.misskey.jp a #misskey server from Private
www.briganteggiando.it a #wordpress server from Italy
mastodon.jone.wang a #mastodon server from United States
www.amongthestones.com a #wordpress server from United States
d.firefish2.zvava.org a #firefish server from United States
mastodon.jnjserver.com.es a #mastodon server from Spain
social.slfhstd.uk a #mastodon server from Private
drax.sh a #misskey server from Private
gts.gluecode.net a #gotosocial server from United States
diaspo.it a #diaspora server from Germany
social.3delights.store a #mastodon server from France

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 30 new servers and 20 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,853 servers checked. 15,674,422 Total Users with 1,114,919 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

mastodon.ping.de a #mastodon server from Germany
bunny.mookiesplace.com a #snac server from Sweden
sharkey.fifthdread.com a #sharkey server from United States
bkuevent.com a #wordpress server from United States
richoz.id a #wordpress server from Indonesia
bermus.dk a #writefreely server from The Netherlands
mastodon.feccc.site a #mastodon server from Hong Kong
video.sadrarin.com a #peertube server from Spain
www.audiowho.com a #wordpress server from France
social.saintdoggie.org a #sharkey server from Finland
patchwork.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
snac.jasonsanta.xyz a #snac server from The Netherlands
gts.sharitt.com a #gotosocial server from United States
eyeclick.pics a #pixelfed server from United States
cltverse.me a #mastodon server from United States
articles.supp-up.social a #writefreely server from United States
mastodon.nlr.wtf a #mastodon server from United States
tube.theplattform.net a #peertube server from The Netherlands
vm.io a #mastodon server from Private
shark.misskey.jp a #misskey server from Private
www.briganteggiando.it a #wordpress server from Italy
d.firefish2.zvava.org a #firefish server from United States
mastodon.jone.wang a #mastodon server from United States
www.amongthestones.com a #wordpress server from United States
mastodon.jnjserver.com.es a #mastodon server from Spain
social.slfhstd.uk a #mastodon server from Private
drax.sh a #misskey server from Private
gts.gluecode.net a #gotosocial server from United States
diaspo.it a #diaspora server from Germany
social.3delights.store a #mastodon server from France

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 10 new servers and 13 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,840 servers checked. 15,674,422 Total Users with 1,114,919 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

www.briganteggiando.it a #wordpress server from Italy
mastodon.jone.wang a #mastodon server from United States
d.firefish2.zvava.org a #firefish server from United States
www.amongthestones.com a #wordpress server from United States
mastodon.jnjserver.com.es a #mastodon server from Spain
social.slfhstd.uk a #mastodon server from Private
drax.sh a #misskey server from Private
gts.gluecode.net a #gotosocial server from United States
diaspo.it a #diaspora server from Germany
social.3delights.store a #mastodon server from France

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer