I hate to laugh, but the "Surprise" of people watching the right wing coalition government in Sweden "delaying" almost every promise they made about making life easier for ordinary people, is just too funny to ignore!

Article after article there are reports of Trump style changes to Swedish budget, the plans to tackle the inflation, cuts of anything related to environment and even culture on Swedish media.

The "people" are surprise and "shocked" by the betrayal of the conservative PM and his neo-Nazi backers from SD.

The cherry on the cake was the words of Ulf Kristersson about "being OK for foreign nations to have nuclear weapons carrying ships when they visit Sweden". Which made the hypocrite Social democratic former PM to act "shocked" and "upset" that Kristersson made such "decision" without first discussing it with them!

The speed of changes enforced by the right wing coalition is something new, even for the loonies like M and SD, but it seems like they are in a hurry to many changes as possibly can to the rules and laws of the previous government in the shortest possible time.

Gone is the small stipend to those repairing their bikes to use it to commute. Gone is the free entrance to museums. Gone is the subsidies for Electric cars. And in a short time, they will also announce massive cuts in many parts of the government dealing with culture, environment and civil rights (if the roomer are true, which usually are).

All I have to say to those who are acting surprise, remember the old Swedish provenb:

  • Some man bäddar, får man ligga (you go to sleep in the bed you have laid down).

Enjoy the results of your vote to" stop the immigrants taking your money" and "getting massive discount on gas prices"!

You have 4 more years of this ahead of you!
#Sweden #Economy #Politics #Conservatives #Culture #Environment


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