

BRICS conducts $260 billion worth of trade without #US dollar

The #BRICS countries aim to eliminate the US dollar from all global trade and transactions by 2024. The bloc's goal is to put local currencies above the US dollar to strengthen domestic economies and businesses. The alliance is also urging other developing countries to follow suit and make payments for cross-border transactions in local currencies.

#Dedollarization is in full swing.


#Congo questions #Apple over #knowledge of #conflict #minerals in its supply chain

source: https://apnews.com/article/apple-iphones-congo-blood-minerals-b1f20aa7bd3a3f4f8cf7fcde19c6f053

A group of international lawyers representing Congo said Thursday that they sent letters to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook and its French subsidiary this week, raising concerns about human rights violations involving the minerals extracted from mines in the country’s troubled east that might end up being used in the company’s products.

#SupplyChain #HumanRights #Economy #business #iphone #smartphone #technology #trade #TimCook justice #crime #news


#Ford just reported a massive loss on every electric vehicle it sold

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/ford-just-reported-a-massive-loss-on-every-electric-vehicle-it-sold/ar-AA1nBsrC

Ford’s electric vehicle unit reported that losses soared in the first quarter to $1.3 billion, or $132,000 for each of the 10,000 vehicles it sold in the first three months of the year, helping to drag down earnings for the #company overall.

#economy #car #fail #finance #problem #electricity #news #usa


Among the many false claims made by various #government media, #corporate media and social #media commentators, such as the UK being a "Liberal Democracy," we are also told how terrible the #capitalist #system in the #UK is and how we need more #Socialism to save us.

While I do agree that crony capitalism and #monopoly capitalism are indeed terrible, we don't actually live in a capitalist economic system, we live in a mixed Capitalist/Socialist #economy, where for the last two sociological generations or more, government spending has comprised more than 40% of all economic activity in the UK.

#cronycapitalism #monopolycapitalism #economics #economicactivity #gdp



Why just why is Israel so freaking above all international laws and impune?

Any other country in the world had done even a fraction of the comes Israel have comitted just in the past 6 months (not to mention any of the crime before that) would have been treated like a pariah state, sanctioned and boycotted to total collapse.

But something is making israel untouchable. Is it the Holocaust guilt? Is it blackmail?is if money?

I have been asking those questions all my adult life, starting from the invasion of Lebanon and the Sabra and Chatila massacre that went unpunished even today.

#Europe #EU #Politocs #Economy #Israel #Tecgnology #Genocide #Palestine #Impunity