The #Assange ‘Public’ hearing is scheduled for Feb. 20th and 21st at the High Court.
One can apply for a video link, #mostly #restricted to those in England and Wales, but exceptions can be made.
I suggest that anyone interested from wherever apply for the link, to demonstrate the wide interest in the case.
Deadline 4pm, Feb. 15th.

Case No Ac-2022-Lon-001745 and 1746 between Julian Assange and the United States Government on February 20 and 21, 2024.

Jonathan Cook provides a handy template…
'I wish to observe the proceedings, via an audio-visual link, of Case No Ac-2022-Lon-001745 and 1746 between Julian Assange and the United States Government on February 20 and 21, 2024.

These are the details requested by the Court:

Full name: Joanna Bloggs

Email address:

Location: I will be observing the two days of hearings in England.

Information in support of the request: I wish to observe the proceedings in the interests of open justice at what is supposed to be a public hearing.

“I agree and undertake to the Court that, if permitted to attend the Hearing remotely, I will not make a recording, capture images, and/or broadcast any part of the proceedings. I understand that to do so may be an offence and/or contempt of court, punishable by imprisonment and/or a fine. I will abide by any directions given to me by the Court during the Hearing. I agree and undertake to the Court that I will not provide the link that I am given to access the Hearing to any other person.”

Thanks @Mulkurul