Amir Reisian, the lawyer of #Tomaj_Salehi, announced that this artist and political prisoner had regained access to his phone card and made phone calls from inside the prison.

This lawyer wrote on his "X" page: "Mr. Tomaj Salehi's phone card has been activated since yesterday and the phone call problem has been solved. He said in his call with me today that promises were made to meet to solve the problem."

• Mr. Reisian had previously said that one day after the death sentence was announced, Tomaj Salehi's calls were cut off and his visit was also cut off, "due to the fact that he was subject to filming."
#Iran sHumanRights #Politics #DeathPenalty

•امیر رئیسیان، وکیل #توماج_صالحی از دسترسی مجدد این هنرمند و زندانی سیاسی به کارت تلفن و برقراری تماس تلفنی او از داخل زندان خبر داد.

•این وکیل دادگستری در صفحه "ایکس" خود نوشت: "کارت تلفن آقای توماج صالحی از دیروز برقرار و مشکل تماس تلفنی حل شده  است. امروز هم در تماسی که با من داشت گفت که وعده‌هایی برای حل مشکل ملاقات داده شده است."

•آقای رئیسیان پیشتر گفته بود که یک روز پس از ابلاغ حکم اعدام، تماس‌های توماج صالحی قطع و ملاقات‌ او نیز، "به علت این‌که مشروط به فیلم‌برداری شد،" قطع شده است.

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