Azert, emboldened by unconditional support of Biden administration and Israel, has officially started it's operation to take over Nagorno Qharabaqh by cutting the supply lines between Armenia and the enclave.

The route plays a vital role in the commerce between Iran, Qarabaqh and Armenia. The quiet and small scale action is being ignored by the world and the only 3 countries who have condemned the #Aliyevs fascist army occupation of #Qarabagh have been #Armenia, #Russia and #Irsn.

In the Russia phobia atmosphere of global politics, the Azeri dictator is playing a dangerous game of fishing in the muddy waters to crush the Armenian control of the enclave while counting on silence of EU and other nations in the fear of "supporting Russia".

This is a dangerous escalation of the conflict and the risk of a direct confrontation between Iran and Azerbaijan increases every day.

The Iranian regular army, as well as IRGCs motorized division have some 10 000 soldiers, over 100 armored vehicles, with large number of artillery and attack drones on the border of Azerbaijan and Iranian government has repeatedly warned Azerbaijan to accept the borders negotiated during the 2020 r nation peace deal and to accept and respect Armenia's internationally recognized territories.

#Politics #Turkey #RoadToWar #PeaceNow #StopTheWar

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