U.S. Embassy Statement on Milorad Dodik’s Secessionist Threats

the stench of hypocrisy is truly nauseating! Remember how Clinton bypassed UN to bomb former Yugoslavia to stone ages to let Kosovo become a satelite state of US/NATO in the region?

I still remember when Thacher prevented EU to help Bosnia during the slaughter of Bosnians by Serb and Coratian militia, her exact words were "we do not want a muslim country in the heart of Europe"!

The United States, as it has for almost 30 years, will act to protect Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multi-ethnic character.t

There is no right under Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitution for an entity or any other sub-state unit to secede, and the United States will not remain idle if Milorad Dodik acts to spark another conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

#Politics #Bosnia #Kossovo #Biden #Serbia #NATO #Hypocrisy #Clinton #Yugoslavia #Europe #EU #NeverForget #NeverForgive

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